Trade Mark Policy

Arellano University, Inc. (The University) owns and controls its names(s), wordmarks, tagline, logos, seals, signature, and other symbols (referred hereafter as marks or trademarks) which have association to the University and are representative of the institution such as but not limited to Arellano University, AU, AU Legarda, AU Pasig, AU Malabon, AU Pasay, AU Chiefs, Arellano Law, Arellano Law College, Au Juan Sumulong Campus, AU Jose Abad Santos, AU Apolinario Mabini Campus, AU Plaridel Campus, AU Elisa Esguerra, AU Jose Rizal Campus, AU Andres Bonifacio Campus as they appear on official documents and correspondences whether printed or broadcasted.

The University reserves the right to prohibit the use and association of its name, symbols and logos to persons, groups, or activities whose values and actions are not consistent with those of the University consistent with its rights under the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines and other related laws as well as those granted under its IPOPhl Registration No. 4/2021/00503413.


Intellectual Property Certificate



  1. Corporate Name and Trade Name. Arellano University, Inc. is an educational institution organized and existing under the laws of the Philippines. It has likewise been operating and is known under its business/trade name Arellano University, AU and Arellano and the SEC-related original registration of "Arellano Law College" in the country and has been in existence since 1938.
  2. Representation. As a general rule, any person previously or recently associated with the University, may tag his or her name to the University as a form of identity. However, it has to be clearly stated how the person is related to the University, specifying former and current conditions in relation to the University.

    For organizations or departments within the campus and the branches, they may associate their names and activities with the University provided that they are legitimate groups conducting official business within and outside the University recognized by duly authorized administrators.

  3. Non-commercialization. As a general rule, the University or any person carrying the name of the University, representing it, or clearly identifying oneself as affiliated with the University, cannot make an endorsement of any product. Given the nature of the institution, corporate sponsors and donors and other stakeholders in business with the University that are sought to support the activities and programs of the University may likewise be associated with it for their specific purposes only.
  4. Use of names, marks, logos by third parties. Only persons who are given express license/authority under separate agreements may produce items bearing the name, logo, or symbols of the University or use the same in any endeavor provided prior to the production of any merchandise or function, the same is approved by the University through the appropriate offices involved.

    Prohibitions. As an educational institution, the name, symbols, and logos of the University cannot be attached and/or associated with the following:

    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Cigarettes
    • Gambling activities
    • Pornography
    • Products that insinuate violence
    • Sexually suggestive products
    • Partisan political activities, political parties, candidates to political office
  5. Liabilities. Any violation by any person(s) or group(s) within and outside the University shall be dealt with accordingly under the law.