ECU Officials Visit AU Campus and Partner Communities in Bulacan and Laguna

International Programs News

Posted on: December 13, 2022

Two officials of Edith Cowan University (ECU) - the newly designated Executive Dean of ECU, Professor Karen Strickland and Dr. Tania Beament, ECU Director International - participated in the information session on November 18, 2022 organized by the Arellano University International Nursing Program [AU-INP] headed by Dr. Emerita Mendoza, Director of the program. Likewise, the two guests paid a courtesy call on the Arellano University Chairman and CEO, Mr. Francisco P.V. Cayco, who welcomed them and gave the assurance of a continuing partnership between the two universities.

The guests also visited the ECU partner communities in Masalipit, San Miguel, Bulacan and in Pangil, Laguna together with Dr. Emerita Mendoza and Ms. Bernardita Navalta, AU Community Coordinator.

The information session, entitled Nursing Education Beyond Borders: The International Nursing Program Leading to a Bachelor of Nursing Degree was held at the Juan Sumulong Campus of AU. The activity was attended by AU administrators, AU-INP Nursing Faculty and INP students and their parents. This ECU-INP collaboration involves three years of study at AU and 2 years study at ECU, where they earn the diploma in nursing degree.

During the information session Dr. Emerita Mendoza emphasized it was a momentous event for AU since it was the first face-to-face program held on campus since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In her message Prof. Strickland shared a deep insight into what are likely to experience when studying abroad, as well as how ECU can help them in their education to prepare them as globally competitive nurses. Dr. Beament presented the must-knows of ECU and its various campuses in Perth, Western Australia.

In the open forum, parents and students asked about university life, student support and work opportunities in Perth. The guests assured them that they will be guided in their career paths once they become ECU students.

A short video clip of two former AU-INP students and ECU alumni shared their lived experiences as ECU students; they are now Australian registered nurses.

The INP partner communities in San Miguel Bulacan and Pangil, Laguna are the immersion areas of ECU nursing students for their Community Clinical Placement Program [CCPP]. Through their immersion program the ECU students were able to donate handwashing areas and hygiene kits to the students of Masalipit Elementary School in San Miguel, Bulacan. To show their gratitude, Mr. Noel Castro, Principal of the school awarded a Certificate of Appreciation to Prof. Karen Strickland for their assistance to the school. The guests also got the chance to visit the carabaos which were also donated by ECU nursing students.

In Pangil, Laguna Ms. Jocelyn Gualberto and other Rural Health Unit staff welcomed the two officials who visited several care areas that were improved through donations of previous CCPP participants. Similarly, in previous community immersions ECU nursing students donated medical equipment and initiated the construction of a breast-feeding facility in one of the market areas in Pangil. ECU also supported aspiring midwives through scholarship programs; they even met one of the current scholars.

The partnership between Arellano University and Edith Cowan University started in 2017. Since then, over 30 students have earned their Australian BSN degree through this unique nursing program. – By Carla May C. Gonzales, RN, MAN


ECU Officials meet with Arellano University’s Chairman and CEO, Mr. Francisco P.V. Cayco and his family
ECU Officials meet with Arellano University’s Chairman and CEO, Mr. Francisco P.V. Cayco and his family


At left, Professor Karen Strickland, ECU Executive Dean, and right, Dr. Tania Beament, ECU Director International during the open forum with the attendees.
At left, Professor Karen Strickland, ECU Executive Dean, and right, Dr. Tania Beament, ECU Director International during the open forum with the attendees.


Previous AU-INP student and incoming ECU transferee during the open forum session
Previous AU-INP student and incoming ECU transferee during the open forum session


Mr. Philip M. Flores, Director for International Academic Linkages, awards the Plaque of Appreciation to Prof. Karen Strickland and Dr. Tania Beament, at right photo
Mr. Philip M. Flores, Director for International Academic Linkages, awards the Plaque of Appreciation to Prof. Karen Strickland and Dr. Tania Beament, at right photo


AU-INP Faculty and ECU Officials from left to right: Ms. Carla May Gonzales, Dr. Emerita Mendoza, Dr. Tania Beament, Prof. Karen Strickland, Ms. Bernadine Navalta, and Dr. Alvin Quintela
AU-INP Faculty and ECU Officials from left to right: Ms. Carla May Gonzales, Dr. Emerita Mendoza, Dr. Tania Beament, Prof. Karen Strickland, Ms. Bernadine Navalta, and Dr. Alvin Quintela


AU-INP students pose with faculty and guests, from top, first year, middle photo, second year and bottom, third year
AU-INP students pose with faculty and guests, from top, first year, middle photo, second year and bottom, third year


Previous AU-INP students who are now ready to transfer to ECU by February 2023 candidly posing with the ECU officials and AU-INP faculty
Previous AU-INP students who are now ready to transfer to ECU by February 2023 candidly posing with the ECU officials and AU-INP faculty


ECU officials with the community residents of Brgy. Masalipit, San Miguel Bulacan
ECU officials with the community residents of Brgy. Masalipit, San Miguel Bulacan


Quick photo op with the ECU carabao, Steve.
Quick photo op with the ECU carabao, Steve.


ECU and AU officials pose with Mr. Noel de Guzman, Principal of Masalipit Elementary School in one of the donated handwashing areas within the school premises.
ECU and AU officials pose with Mr. Noel de Guzman, Principal of Masalipit Elementary School in one of the donated handwashing areas within the school premises.


Principal Noel de Guzman awards the ECU officials the Certificate of Appreciation
Principal Noel de Guzman awards the ECU officials the Certificate of Appreciation


ECU officials visit the nipa hut used by CCPP participants during their immersion
ECU officials visit the nipa hut used by CCPP participants during their immersion


Ocular inspection at the breastfeeding station furnished from the donation of the ECU midwifery students.
Ocular inspection at the breastfeeding station furnished from the donation of the ECU midwifery students.


Professor Karen Strickland, ECU Executive Dean of School of Nursing and Midwifery, talks about transitioning to an international nursing student.
Professor Karen Strickland, ECU Executive Dean of School of Nursing and Midwifery, talks about transitioning to an international nursing student.


Dr. Tania Beament, ECU Director International for School of Nursing and Midwifery, discusses the typical college life at ECU.
Dr. Tania Beament, ECU Director International for School of Nursing and Midwifery, discusses the typical college life at ECU.


Attendees of the ECU Info session: AU-INP students and their parents/guardians.
Attendees of the ECU Info session: AU-INP students and their parents/guardians.


Video message from JANUEL OBMERGA, Registered Nurse Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Edith Cowan University.
Video message from JANUEL OBMERGA, Registered Nurse Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Edith Cowan University.


Another inspiring message from one of the previous AU-INP students and ECU alumni, ELIEZA VARONA, Registered Nurse Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Edith Cowan University
Another inspiring message from one of the previous AU-INP students and ECU alumni, ELIEZA VARONA, Registered Nurse Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Edith Cowan University


AU-INP Family: AU Officials, Faculty, Students and Parents with the ECU Nursing Officials
AU-INP Family: AU Officials, Faculty, Students and Parents with the ECU Nursing Officials