AU-INP and AUCN Continues the Capping, Pinning, and Candle Lighting Tradition

International Programs News

Posted on: June 15, 2023

Arellano University-International Nursing Program (AU-INP) students proudly participated in the Capping, Pinning, and Candle Lighting Ceremony held last January 27, 2023, at the Philippine International Convention Center with the theme, “Taking on the Challenge in the Era of Pandemic, Young Healthcare of Today, Frontliners of Tomorrow." Twenty AU-INP students joined more than 500 student nurses from the Arellano University College of Nursing (AUCN) of Legarda, Pasay, and Pasig on this monumental day for the AU Nursing Community. The ceremony was graced by this year’s Guest of Honor and Speaker, Ms. Darlene Page-Elnar, RN, MMHoA, an AUCN alumnus from Batch ’94.

This event is one of the highlights of their nursing journey, as they begin to partake in their clinical duties with the traditional nurse's cap and the symbolic lamp that originated with the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale. It was a long wait for some students since the event had to be postponed due to the restrictions at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. But for many, the ceremonial imposition of caps, pins, and lamps was more momentous than ever, knowing that they are a step closer as future healthcare professionals ready to take on the nursing role, both here and abroad.


Second-year AU-INP students
Second-year AU-INP students


Third-year AU-INP students
Third-year AU-INP students